DIY One Shoulder White and Black “Lace” Dress

Whew, well I have one less thing off my plate now.  It's now been a few weeks since I graduated with my MBA.  You'd think everything would be settled but it's still been a whirlwind of things to do, plus catch up with family and friends that I gave the "I'm too busy because I'm in school" excuse.  In the mean time, I'm getting back in the groove of sewing and working with clients. 

I picked up this beautiful white and black Faux lace knit at Dallas Spandex.  Every time I'm in the Dallas area, I make sure to stop by as I'm always finding new and exciting fabric to sew with. 

The top half of the dress was made with this Butterick pattern here, option B.  I added extra pleats to the back and front by extending the shoulder out an additional 8 inches.  The bottom of the dress was made using my measurements for waist, distance to widest of hip, hip, then where I wanted dress to stop.  I then just attached the skirt to the bodice and's a One shoulder pleated dress.

Trying on lace for the bottom of dress...then decided to pass.

Trying on lace for the bottom of dress...then decided to pass.

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